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Showing posts from February, 2018

12th February

Wow, what a fun evening! We did an evening that we ran about four years ago, therefore all the girls who did it previously have left! We invited the Minister for the Church we meet in to run a session on puppetry. The Minister (Kim) loves puppets and runs a club at the church to get children telling stories with them - so she's used to working with children and puppets! First of all, in their Sixes, the girls picked a puppet each and then made up a short play with them. Some were... interesting... They included a story about a sick sheep and some others which I can't remember from the top of my head! After rehearsing for around 10 minutes, they performed the play to each other. We then had a quick break for a drink (And some white chocolate buttons that Ava brought in to share - which was very kind!)and got back on with the puppets! Kim played a piece of music and shared the words with the girls for them to 'sing' using their puppets. We had a 'lead singer...

5th February

Tonight was another busy one! We started off playing monkey football (The game where you have to try and get the ball through each other's legs) and we spent the rest of the evening doing Promise/Becoming a Brownie stuff. We had 6 new Brownies in January and a number in September (The majority of our Brownies have now started since Sept) so we decided to do a proper overview of all the new Brownie things! We read the Brownie story first and played a game where girls had to change places depending on their 'name' (They were all called Tommy/Betty/Owl and all moved on Brownies) and most of the old ones admitted they didn't remember it either! We then split into two groups: The first group were the pre-promise girls and we worked through the Becoming a Brownie book - so we covered the Promise, Uniform, Law, Brownie Sign and talked about what will happen at their Promise ceremony. Promises are going to be done on the 26th Feb - the week after half term! The older ...

Our Coffee Morning

This morning we hosted a Coffee Morning at the Church where we meet to raise money for our Brownie Unit and the Rainbow Unit who meet before us on a Monday. Brownies were invited to complete heir Hostess badge by making drinks/helping on stalls/washing up etc and Rainbows were invited along to enjoy themselves and help if they want. Both sections made things before the day (Rainbows made signs and Brownies made decorations for the table (See Photo below!)) It was a very busy morning and the hall was packed for the whole 1.5 hours. It was hard work for the leaders but all the irks were superstars and really helped out. We were supported by so many people, members of the Church, friends, family and lots of others!) We raised an amazing £461.10 which will be shared 50/50 between the two sections which made the planning and hard work worth it!