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Showing posts from January, 2018

29th January

Tonight was our 'Pre Coffee Morning' preparations! On Saturday we're holding a coffee morning at the Church we meet at to raise money for our unit and the Rainbow Unit who meet before us - so tonight we did some preparation with the Brownies! We started the evening with a game of splat (Which the girls really enjoy!) and after Brownie circle the girls got settled around tables for the craft to start. We explained that those who are coming to the CM on Saturday will earn their hostess badge (Which reminds me, I need to order the badges!) but everyone was going to make table decorations which they will be able to take home next week! We made bouquets of flowers (In paper form) and decorated invitations to go home. Some of the girls were telling me that they had already invited friends, families and teachers so the invites were written to a lot of different people! The bouquets were really easy to make - you fold a piece of green paper in half lengthways and cut from t

22nd January

There isn't a lot to write about this week.... On 22nd January we had some very special visitors - our local PCSOs (Police Community Support Officers) Adele and Maria joined us to talk about Crime Prevention and Online Safety.  The girls learned about postcode schemes (And were all given a postcode scheme UV pen and some stickers) and talked about how to keep their belongings safe both at home and in the car.  We then talked about online safety and how girls should never arrange to meet someone they have met online and how they might not be who they say they are. It was interesting to see how many girls 'talk' to people on different online games, and I hope that they went home and thought about ways of keeping themselves safe. We finished the evening with a game of giants keys, and gave out badges to those who have moved Sixes since Christmas (And Adele and Maria were given badges for their adoptive Sixes too!) We did have a new leader start with us, she&

15th January

Phew! Another exhausting evening - and if we do this activity again, then we'd definitely make some changes! We started with a game (I can't remember which i'm afraid as I was collecting in forms and money for a Coffee Morning, Trip to Magna and Pack Holiday!) but my lovely Assistant Leaders and Young Leader are all super capable so I left them too it! After Brownie circle we played the bean game. I think in advance we need to decide as leaders the names of the beans and how people are out! It's been (No pun intended!) a long time since we played this last, and we kept forgetting different names of beans. We also have some girls who transferred from different groups and they kept telling us the beans from their own groups! In future, we're going to have a list for our group, and that's it! Tawny Owl led tonight's activity and we made bird feed holders: so we had thousa

8th January

Wow, what a hectic session, but not a lot to talk about really! We had 7 new Brownies starting tonight - 3 were previous Rainbows, and 4 are new to the organisation! As we had 8 girls leave last term, we did a big move around of Sixes tonight. We now have.... Elves, Pixies, Gnomes, Kelpies and Ghillie Dhus! Every Six has a new Sixer, so this should be a fun new challenge! Because we had so many new girls, we decided this week should be a games and getting to know you evening! We played: Splat, Rats/Rabbits/Rice, Brownie Bingo, Chinese Whispers and Giants Keys! All the girls seemed to get along really well, which is always positive! We ended the night by giving out letters for a Coffee Morning, a trip to Magna and Pack Holiday!