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Showing posts from April, 2018

26th March

I thought I’d written this post, but I obviously haven’t, so apologies if I don’t remember everything! The main activity for today was making Owls out of Creme eggs and chocolate buttons: My Owl didn’t stand up very well, I think it was taking a nap, but the Brownies’ were a lot more successful than I was! I know that the girls enjoyed these as I’ve heard on the grapevine that one of the Brownies has been doing them at home with her family! As our final activity for the term we challenged the Brownies in small groups to design and make a parachute to safely guide an egg to earth! All the groups worked really well together and came up with some ingenious ideas (We made sure the groups were split so there was a mix of ages in each group!) We did this activity with plastic eggs (Which I’m pleased we did, as I think there would have been lots of egg on the floor otherwise!!) And now it’s time for two weeks off. The two weeks will be spent programme planning, sorting things for Brownie Holi...