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Showing posts from May, 2018

A few weeks!

I'm so sorry, i've been terrible at keeping up to date recently! We've had a few meetings since I last wrote, so here is a quick overview of our programme and experiences since coming back from Easter! We are doing the World Traveller and World Issues badges over this half term so we're 'visiting' a different country each week. 16th April This week was an 'introductory' evening into the badges. Here we covered the sections about going on a trip. We started the evening by making our own passports and including the type of information that would be needed and we talked about the different stamps you may get. We then split the girls into smaller groups and they were all given one of three different types of holiday (Hot, Cold, Rainy) and they had to plan and make an outfit for the trip... The difference? All they had were different coloured bin bags! This activity went really well, the girls really thought about their holiday and how they might need...