There isn't a lot to write about this week....
On 22nd January we had some very special visitors - our local PCSOs (Police Community Support Officers) Adele and Maria joined us to talk about Crime Prevention and Online Safety.
The girls learned about postcode schemes (And were all given a postcode scheme UV pen and some stickers) and talked about how to keep their belongings safe both at home and in the car.
We then talked about online safety and how girls should never arrange to meet someone they have met online and how they might not be who they say they are. It was interesting to see how many girls 'talk' to people on different online games, and I hope that they went home and thought about ways of keeping themselves safe.
We finished the evening with a game of giants keys, and gave out badges to those who have moved Sixes since Christmas (And Adele and Maria were given badges for their adoptive Sixes too!)
We did have a new leader start with us, she's now called Fluffy Owl and is a D of E helper :)
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