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15th January

Phew! Another exhausting evening - and if we do this activity again, then we'd definitely make some changes!

We started with a game (I can't remember which i'm afraid as I was collecting in forms and money for a Coffee Morning, Trip to Magna and Pack Holiday!) but my lovely Assistant Leaders and Young Leader are all super capable so I left them too it!

After Brownie circle we played the bean game. I think in advance we need to decide as leaders the names of the beans and how people are out! It's been (No pun intended!) a long time since we played this last, and we kept forgetting different names of beans. We also have some girls who transferred from different groups and they kept telling us the beans from their own groups! In future, we're going to have a list for our group, and that's it!

Tawny Owl led tonight's activity and we made bird feed holders: so we had thousands of lollypop sticks and a lot of glue! The feeders are relatively easy to put together, apart from the string and in the end we just gave up and told the girls to leave the string off and stand the bird feeder on something! I would recommend making sure every leader knew how the item went together and put one leader per table to help with knotting etc!

The string and knotting took a lot longer than expected so we finished on time (Just!) we had no time for the Brownie Smile or even Brownie Bells... It was a quick 'Don't forget your jackets and bird feeders' and then home!

Next week should be a bit calmer - we have the local PCSOs coming to visit to talk about Crime Prevention and help with that badge!


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